Τετάρτη, Ιανουαρίου 22, 2025

Επιλογή Γλώσσας


Συνεργασίες Τμήματος Χημείας

University Erasmus code Country Recommended language skills Mobility Website
Language of instruction 1 Language of instruction 2 Recommended language of instruction level 
Student Mobility for Studies  Staff Mobility for Teaching  Number of Students and  months Level Staff Mobility for Teaching (days or weeks) Staff Mobility for Training 
Out In Out In Out In
                    only for staff mobility
Universite Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 France French  English B1/B2 B2 2 (5) 2 (5) 1st, 2nd 1 1 www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
 Wuppertal Universitat D WUPPERT01 Germany German English B1 C1 3X10 3X10 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2 2 www.uni.wuppertal.de
Univerzita Karlova v Praze CZ PRAHA07 Czech  Czech  English  B2 B2 1(5) 1(5) 2nd 1(7 days) 1(7 days) www.cuni.cz
 Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University TR BOLU01 Turkey Turkish English B1 B2 2Χ5 2Χ5 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2x5 http://erasmus.ibu.edu.tr
University of Cyprus  CY NICOSIA01 Cyprus  Greek (majority of courses) English (some courses) B1 English language or B1 Greek language B2 English language 1(5) 2(6) 1st 2nd  1(5 days, 8 hours teaching) 1(5 days, 8 hours teaching) www.ucy.ac.cy 
 North Cratia University HR VARAZDI02 Croatia Croatian English B1 B1 2X5 2X5 1st, 2nd 1 1 www.unin.hr
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science SF HELSINK41 Finland English  Finish B2 B3 1(5) 1(5) 1st 1 (1) 1 (1) www.metropolia.fi
 UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY MEDICINE OF CLUJ-NAPOCA  ROCLUJNAP04 ROMANIA  ENGLISH for courses offered to exchange students  ENGLISH B1 2X5 2X5 1st, 2nd, 3rd 1x5 days 1x5days  http://erasmus.usamvcluj.ro/
Universite Lille 1 – Sciences et Technologies F LILLE01 France  French  English (only applies if selected courses are taught in English) B1 B2 1(5) 1(5) 1st www.univ-lille1.fr
Universite Montpellier II F MONTPEL02 France  French B1 B2 1(6) 1(6) 2nd  www.univ-montp2.fr
Universite Paul Sabatier –Toulouse 3 F TOULOUS03 France  French  English  B2(French) B2(French/English) 3(6) 3(6) 1st 2nd  3(1) 3(1) www.univ-tlse3.fr
Universite de Rennes I F RENNES01 France  French English(where specified) B1 B2 1(6) 1(6) 1st 2nd 3rd 1(1) 1(1) www.univ-rennes1.fr
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie F PARIS06 France  French B1 B2 1(5) 1(5) 1nd 2nd 3rd K Demadis/1week T Coradin/1week
Universite Paris Sud XI F PARIS011 France  French  English  B1-B2 B2 2(12) 2(12) 1st  1(1) 1(1) www.u-psud.fr
Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris F PARIS087 France  French  B2 1(5) 1st 2nd 3rd



Universite de Nantes F NANTES01 France  French B1 1(5) 1(5) 1st 2nd 3rd 1person/1week 1person/1week



Universite d' Orleans FORLEANS01 France  French  B1 2(6) 2(6) 1st 2nd 1(1) 1(1) tbc tbc www.univ-orleans.fr
Universite de Strasbourg F STRASBO48 France  French  B1 French    English   B2  2(6) 2(6) 1st  1(1) 1(1)



 UNIVERSITY OF PERUGIA I PERUGIA01 ITALY Italian  ENGLISH  A2 B2 2X5 2X5 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2x5 2x5



Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg  D ERLANGE01 Germany  German  English  English B2 1(5) 1(5) 2nd 3rd  www.uni-erlangen.de
Johann Wolfgang Goethe -Universitaet Frankfurt am Main D FRANKFU01 Germany  German  English/if English taught courses are offered B2 B2 2(3) 2(3) 1st 2nd 3rd   G.Tsiotis(1) 1person/1week
 Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf   D DUSSELD01 GERMANY German English B2 B2 2x6 2x6 1st, 2nd 1x2weeks 1x2weeks




Hochschule Niederrhein D KREFELD01 Germany  German  English  B1 German B2 English  B2 2(5) 2(5) 2nd 1(8h) 1(8h) 1(2-5 days) 1(2-5 days) www.hs-neiderrhein.de
Technische Universitaet Dresden D DRESDEN02 Germany  German  B1 1(5) 1(5) 1st 2nd 3rd 1(1) 1(1) http://tu-dresden.de
Universita degli Studi di Firenze I FIRENZE01 Italy  Italian  B1 2(3) 2(3) 2nd 1(1) 1(1) www.unifi.it 
Universita degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” I BARI01 Italy  Italian  _ B1 B2  1(6) 1(6) 1st 2nd  1(1) 1(1) 2 2 www.uniba.it
 GEBZE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY TR KOCAELI01 TURKEY  English Turkish B1 B2  2X10 2X10 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2x5 2x5



Uniwersytet Marii Curie – Sklodowskiej PL LUBLIN01 Poland  Polish  English for selected courses  Polish B1 or English B1 for courses taught in English  B2  2(5) 2(5) 1st 2nd 3rd 1(5-10 days) 1(5-10 days) 1(5 days) 1(5 days) www.umcs.lublin.pl
Uniwersytet Wroclawski PL WROCLAW01 Poland  Polish  English  B2 B2 2(5) 2(5) 1st 2nd  1(1) 1(1) www.uni.wroc.pl
Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara RO TIMISOA01 Romania Romanian  English B1 B2 1(5) 1st 2nd 3rd 1(1) www.uvt.ro
Universitat de Barcelona E BARCELO01 Spain  Spanish  Catalan  B1  B2 1(6) 1(6) 1st 2nd  1(1) 1(1) www.ub.edu
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona E BARCELO02 Spain  Catalan   Spanish  English B1 There is no specific language level required, but it is deemed understood that students
must have the necessary level to be able to attend lessons and sit exams.
To be agreed 1(6) 1(6) 1st 2nd  1(1) 1(1) www.uab.es
Technische Universiteit Delft NL DELFT01 The Netherlands  English (2nd, 3rd cycle) Dutch (1st cycle) Enlish at C1 level  Enlish at C2 level  1(1) Frank Hollmann(1) www.tudelft.nl  STAFF ONLY
Inonu Universitesi TR MALATYA01 Turkey  Turkish for all programs English for several programs  B1 Enlish  B2 English  2(10) 2(10) 1st 2(min 2 days plus travel time, min 8 hours) 2(min 2 days plus travel time, min 8 hours) 2 2 www.inonu.edu.tr
Eskisehir Osmangazi University  TR ESKISEH02 Turkey  Turkish English B1 B2 2(10) 2(10) 1st  minimum 8 hours minimum 8 hours minimum 5 days  minimum 5 days  www.ogu.edu.tr
Universite de Paris Descartes F PARIS005 France French B2 2X6 2X6 1st, 2nd 3rd 2x5 days 2x5 days http://www.univ-paris5.fr
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava SK BRATISL01 Slovakia English B1 2X6 2X6 1st, 2nd 3rd 2x5 days 2x5 days www.stuba.sk
University of Bialystok PL BIALYSTOK POLAND Poland English (for courses offered to exchange students) English B1 English B2 2X10 2X10 1st, 2nd 3rd 1X5 1X5 http://uwb.edu.pl/international-cooperation-office
University of Greifswald D GREIFS01 Germany German B1 B2 1X6 1X6 1st 2nd 3rd  1X5 1X5 www.uni-greifswald.de
University of Bremen D BREMEN01 Germany German English B2 B2 1X6 1X6 1st 2nd 3rd  1X 5days 1x5days www.uni-bremen.de
University of Kassel D KASSEL01 Germany German English German B2 undergraduate, English B2 graduate English or German B2 1X5 1X5 1st 2nd 1x5days 1x5days www.uni-kassel.de
 Universita degli studi di Torino I TORINO01 Italy Italian English (only in the Material Science course) B1 B2 6X6 6X6




 2x5 2x5 http;//www.unito.it/
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